Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: AOL'S Patent Sale

I see AOL shed itself of 800 patents to Microsoft for 1billion.

Of course AOL is up in trading on that news.

I have to wonder what kind of patents they were. Obviously they must have been of the minor variety as they sold 800 of them for about 1/3 of what some here say our 3 patent family portfolio is worth.

Obviously the street values the patents much differently than PTSC. I wonder why no one like msft, ibm, ge or another mega tech hasn't ponied up the pocket change of 1 billion to buy our portfolio? I also wonder how much we would be up if we split 1 billion with TPL for the sale of our portfolio.

Good Luck

(I) C. W.

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