Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: 10q

He returned the call of one of the real owners of the company that is paying him a six figure income annually to talk on the phone, as that is what he said at the ASM when asked what he does for Patriot to earn his bloated income.

So..... "He too is disappointed in the MMP fees but given the marketplace and its view of patent licensers... it is what it is... until something changes..."

What needs to be changed imo are the people who sit on the Board of PTSC and rape the company for all they can. Flowers, of all people knew what was coming, knows what is happening and sits as a pious individual laughing at all the real owners of the company, the Shareholders (which the current board is not), and know that with all the banter on boards such as this nothing and nobody will do anything to him and his two cohorts nor will they be touched or sued for incompetence and lack of fiduciary responsiblity, which any reasonable jury of Our peers would find to be the case.

Will I take them to court? Nope, for many personal reasons, but do they deserve to be sued, you betcha. They run a public company that is led around by the nose, once again imo,by a private company run by less then desirable individuals that are thumbing their nose at the true owners of PTSC, the SEC and anybody associated with them.

The Leckrones were on the verge of losing their homes when we first rode to their rescue and joined forces with them giving them all the rights to take us to the cleaners. If they are back in financial difficulties where did they find the money to file suit against 19 companies they say infringe on their chips? Where did they get the money to reverse engineer the products or chips of those companies.

I have said this before and I will say it again our Board should resign in mass. I nominate Ron R and Brian B to take over their duties (and no I have not asked either of them but I know them to be honest and forthright individuals). First on the agenda for our new board, as far as I am concerned, would be to hire a National Auditing Firm to audit the books of TPL (Alliance and any TPL info we can get our hands on such as the suits they just filed in Texas). Second, item on the agenda would be to hire a National (Major) Corporate Law firm that has the ability to separate us from the Master Agreement that TPL in my view has broken so many times that all the Kings men could not put Humpty Leckrone Dumpty back together again.

If PTSC and Moores has any hope for a future even with a positive MH we need to leave the losers of the past (the current ptsc board and tpl) and move on.

Am I being negative? I do not think so. I think what I am saying is that if now is not the time to act then when will it be? I have attempted to be patient with all the ridiculous speculation that I have scanned on the Agora board over the past month or so but how about stopping the speculation and work on something that can be done and that would be getting rid of the current board of directors and obtaining a Board of movers and shakers. I cannot be the only person who has found the weeks of ridiculous posts an amazing amount of wasted time when real suggestions would have been more appropriate. If I was one of the three amigos on the current board I would be sending you speculation posters who post like they are engineers, it specialists or attorneys candy or flowers for your ability to help them keep their jobs.

Enough said, I probably should have held my piece but after all the wild speculation on this board how can one be surprised by the information that TPL did not earn us any money. After all they need to keep the lights on, you hear?????

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