I continue to hope that they haven`t left the retail shareholders out of the equation. As always, we shall see.
The retail shareholders were always in the equation. We kept this company afloat while Swatrz/Lincoln raked in the bucks with the death spiral finacing.
One little tidbit I learned this week that passed beneath my radar screen is that David Pohl, Carlton Johnson and Eric Swartz are all on the board of PPHM.
PPHM is a company that Swartz is actively purchasing shares (not debentures - shares).
The 3 have a relationship outside of PTSC. I would encourage our board members not only to purchase shares themselves, but also encourage Mr. Swatrz also to do so. He`s made enough off of the shareholders both through the debentures and the debenture buy out. If the company is on firmer financial footing Pohl and Johnson should be encouraging him to flat out purchase the stock.*
*It does occur to me that Swartz may be purchasing shares, I have no way of knowing.