A Dr. Makoto Nonaka has ties to the Carlsbad area...
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology was established in 1988 by a coalition of leaders from academia and industry, including Dr. Makoto Nonaka, the Institute’s founding President, and Dr.Kimishige Ishizaka, the Institute’s first Scientific Director. These leaders envisioned a unique and dynamic partnership between basic science and applied research, one that would lead to breakthroughs in the understanding of the immune system and improve human health through the development of treatments and cures for immune system disorders.
UCSD and The Scripps Research Institute
The La Jolla Institute was formed with strong ties to major academic and medical centers, including the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and The Scripps Research Institute. LIAI’s first Board of Directors included Dr. Gerard Burrow, past Dean of UCSD’s School of Medicine. Dr.Burrow developed an affiliation between LIAI and UCSD Medical Center that provides for joint research activities, consultation and training in the fields of allergy and immunology. Peter Preuss, LIAI’s founding Chairman, also has strong ties to UCSD and currently serves on the University of California’s Board of Regents. Dr. Frank Dixon, who was recruited to The Scripps Research Institute in 1961 and became its first director, was a founding board member of LIAI and served as Chairman of the Institute’s Board of Directors for 14 out of his 16 years on the board