How many unannounced licenses does Leckerone have in his drawer? Whatever the number, they have all been signed prior to the Markman ruling.. and all for pre Markman win dollars... so does he risk a Markman ruling this week.. then release those licensees PRs, all for less money than post Markman Ruling licensees (assuming a win)... or does he get those licenses clutering his drawer out before the Ruling.. Any license that comes after (assuming a win) we will expect a higher fee for... and damn well better be.
So Leckrone.. release the PRs of those who have licensed, so we know who has signed prior to the Ruling... because every one announced after your 'slam dunk' MR will be expected to be paying a premium...
So Flowers et al... Release a PR stating that GE has signed a MMP license.. why not.. it's no secret anymore? we've all known for quite a while... why not let the investing world know now!