Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Lamberts.. Re: "MMP Ownership..Regardles... Ads,
Aug 23, 2012 03:54PM

In my opinion ...

That verbage is simply to create a record, and is offered for the benefit of the ITC. TPL wants to clearly assert that they were not and are not a Troll or a NPE, and that MMP patent applications and design enhancements are constantly continuing .

As far as going forward with Leckrone ... because our only other options is having Carl and Gloria select and enter new negotiations with another Licensing vendor, I'd vote to stay with Leckrone just so that another potential debacle is avoided. I think they greatly prefer that too. Infact, as you recall, the revised Comm Ag has the name of the licening vendor redacted (blank); and I suspect that it's either PDS itself, or a TPL entity again.

Besides, as a defensive maneuver, locking up Moore and TPL with us into PDS prevents those two from independently licensing the MMP. I believe that if they were free to License the MMP individually (as a team, or separately if the licensing agreement between them was void), PTSC would be in the absolutely worse position of the three. I come to that conclusion from a whole host of quantifiable reasons.

I believe PTSC knows this too, and that is partly why they ultimately joined up with him in the first place, and agreed to give him basically absolute authority over the patent prosecution activities. I also think this acknowlegment is why they loaned him monies, why PTSC delayed in formally filing suit against him after having suspicions and indications of self dealing behavior, and also why they dropped the Fraud suit without providing full transparency to Shareholders on what (if any) exact protections and assurances were put into place.

So, I say let Leckrone be the character he is. It's not his fault, the responsibility to ride herd on him is on PTSC, they knew what he was before they got in bed with him; TWICE now.

Do you know the story of the scorpion and the frog ? The punch line ends with the scorpion on the back of the frog and both of them drowning in the pond after the non swinging scorpion stings the frog who had given the scorpion a ride across on it's back. The frog is bewildered and asks "why did you sting me, now we'll both die" .. the scorpion simply replied .. "because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature"

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