Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Forgive the past

GEEZZ!!!! Why does the BOD keep rehashing and repeating the past?! Year after year it's the same! The keep denying to implement shareholder proposals that were properly submitted and voted on in the affirmative. They keep issuing 10-K's that show they didn't invest their own money in the company. They keep giving themselves raises and bonuses while available cash is dimiinished. They keep signing agreements that allow company activities to remain secretive. They keep engaging partners that have out maneuvered them in the past. They keep refusing to communicate with shareholders. etc. etc.

As is pointed out on this board by you, me and others, this isn't old activity that is in the distant past, or even the not so recent past. It's activity that continues to this day. Yet when it's mentioned or pointed out, the criticism goes to the poster, rather than to the content of the information that has its genesis with 3 people who run PTSC. I can appreciate that some shareholders don't want to be reminded of the ongoing lack of leadership and performance, but, rather than at least agree, and at best hold them accountable, they'd rather argue that we should allow that to be hushed up and continuously ignored and only focus on potentially positive developments which to date have done relatively little for the pps.

That which is ignored, no matter how heinous, is usually continued. Just ask Penn State. I wonder how those involved feel now about the efforts made to ignore and hush up certain negatives that were allowed to continue BECAUSE the were not ILLUMINATED sufficiently to cause action to stop them early on.

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