From June 1 2006 to May 31 2012, PTSC's Total Net Consolidated Income was $11,167,000.
From June 1 2006 to May 31 2012, our BODs and 3 Senior Exec position's Total compensation was $8,943,000.
On June 1 2006 our stock price was $1.02; on June 1 2012, our stock price was .09 cents
This "Income vs Compensation" comparison can get very ugly very fast if you use shorter year periods going forward in the analysis. Infact, if you remove revenues for FY ending 2007, and do the comparison for five years instead of six, the ratio gets even more out of whack; being a total Net Loss for PTSC of <$12,800,000> and Total Compensation for BODs and Senior Executives of $5,875,000.
* feel free to confirm or show correction to these numbers, it sometimes gets confusing keeping it all straight, but by my records, I believe this is accurate