Biajj, Ron, Laurie, Lamberts, or BaNosser (someone who has been involved for a long time) could contact one or all of the following companies to notify them that we have had similar concerns as PPHM and give them a brief history of our company including Swartz and Johnsons's role. IMHO, they would appreciate hearing from us and it may lead to an investigation that would include their (ES and CJ) wrong doings with PTSC.
Ron, IMHO, you would be the best one to do this since you have owned stock in both companies and you are a lawyer. Biajj, IMHO, you would also be one of the best shareholders to do this since you were our advocate at one time--esp. during the early ES years. Laurie, IMHO, you are the most assertive shareholder who posts on this board--you have been our "main advocate" for quite sometime now--you would be perfect to do this. So would many others---I don't think that we should let this chance to act pass us by. It may even help some of the shareholders of PPHM. GL, ads