I totally agree on the concept - keep on the record that Shareholders continue to voice their dissatisfaction.
However, on "Ratification of KMJ Corbin as Accounting firm ... "For" I am inclined to vote "Against". I don't really have much against KMJC but it's about time PTSC allowed itself or is forced to be audited in detail (i.e. internal books, contracts etc) unless they have concerns - but we have experience in a CFO and a Board member to ensure that can't be, right? So if everything's clean, let's spend the money to prove it is so. If it adds 1c to the stock price that's a $4M bump in Market Valuation - I doubt an audit would cost anywhere near that, so pretty good ROI, nichts?
Or maybe we keep KMJB and try to get the BoD to agree to executing such an audit within 6 months, to be reported in the quarter ending Nov 30, 2013. If it comes out glowing then maybe the CFO could get a tiny bonus.