Thanks for posting...Great to get several views...Pieces of the Jigsaw Puzzle.
"First of all Otteson comes off as smart, confident and more upfront and honest than most attorneys I know. The biggest question to me was the ITC Markman. He feels with the construction we can win. Period!!"
Pls clarify: Is he saying if we get the Construction using OUR words WE want we will win??...I should hope so..There are several Constructions to be determined. Did he specify which claims?...Unlikely.
"Even if we lose the ITC no Res Judicata in in NDOC apparently if you lose in districts and go through appeals and lose it is the other way arround."
Pls clarify:..I don't follow...As I read earlier, if we lose and appeal to a panel of 3 Dems and 3 Repubs, IMO, we are doomed..BIG BUSINESS will exert unbearable pressure. Little guys get swatted...Pray it never gets that far....Virt