shows what an individual with little to no conscience and imo is (opps I won't go there). Needless to say this man is someone that reminds me very much of the Mayor (until the end of August) of San Diego, Calif. He is a self procalimed big time liberal, union supporter, progressive. Who it has been proven over the past decades could care less for anyone other then himself though he talks a different tune. He has a track record that proves my point and has only been elected and relected and reelected etc etc due to ignorant low info voters, Union Leaders who have bankrolled him no matter what he has done as he carries the bacon for them or should I say carried it. The very few things he has accomplished either here in SD or in DC were mostly small items without much merit and in retrospect has cost the city and the country much more in lost power (military and financial) but who could care less.
Filner use to say he was a strong advocate for Vets yet within the last two weeks a femal vet who had been raped and needed help in DC came to him a few years ago asked for help and he said there is quid pro quo.... if you doubt her or me check it out.
I guess I should be thankful that to this date Leckrone never made it to DC