Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: If SGE is Truthful, then Cliff Lied

PTSC is a public corporation that owns rights to patents. Nothing more. They're not part of a classified national security environment. Attempts by SGE1 to compare or imply similar rules apply are simply ridiculous and misleading.

Setting aside the potential breach of Reg FD it would be (and may have actually have been if the conversation went the way SGE1 implies) for Cliff to privately discuss unnannounced licensing deals with a shareholder in any detail not already publicly expressed, the actual PROPER way for SGE1's inquiries to have been handled would have been simply this.


SGE1: Is John Deere and Company an MMP Licensee?

Cliff: As you know, we cannot discuss the licensing program or status of individual companies other than as disclosed in press releases or in our SEC filings. This is due to the oft cited confidentiality agreements associated with certain licenses, as well as full disclosure regulations with which the company must comply.

SGE1: But certain shareholders are indicating they've read that Deere is a licensee in PACER documents.

Cliff: I refer you to my previous response.


SGE1, that's ACTUALLY how the business world works. A CEO of a public company doesn't LIE about potentially material information, as you imply the DOD memo's or simple NDA's require, at least not PROPERLY. Rather, if something is NOT to be disclosed, they simply don't disclose it.

Rather, to what you communicated to the board on at least 3 occasions according to your PM to me is an actual DISCLOSURE of and UNtruth to you by Cliff. That you later learned that it was exactly that but never corrected the record you felt important to set apparently 3 diffferent times IMO puts you in a poor light as well, givent that context, but if what you communicated here is factual, the actual fault lies squarely on Cliff Flower's shoulders. To communicate otherwise is simply false, wrong, and misleading.

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