Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Positive Thinking

As angry as I am (actually bought more on uipswing at .15 to see myself looking at another loss. I can't even begin to say how irate I am to be sitting here. Never again....I have been in this since 2000.

But after reading all the posts the last couple of days to keep from spontaneously combusting I rely on the positives.

It is very conceivable and probable that the silence is still due to the open ends of the last two trials. This strategy and all could be at the advice of Mr. Otteson who we all are hoping to run this ship.

We won infringement and even based on Lamberts worse case scenrio of royalties...there is still money to be made. Maybe not buy your own island money but enough to take the bad taste out of my mouth.

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