Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: WHY MMP licenses are treated as a NON material event

who have been negatively impacted by the failures of the Licensing program; not TPL, not Executives at PTSC, not any lawyers, and not the PTSC BOD.

If you tell someone they are going to be held "accountable", you have to show them that you mean it. Shareholder's need to be vocal, direct and serious about demanding performance out of the company. The company needs to believe, I mean really believe, that you will engage outside experts and efforts to make them listen and comply unless positive events transpire.

We need to incorporate an independent and experienced person on the PDS Board, and that person needs to be the manager of that JV. This is a long overdue (even abused) requirement they have been ignoring. The common sense reasons for having a third member there are as obvious as the suspicious reasons why they only have those two.

The ComAg needs to be rewritten and powers recovered back from Alliasence that were granted to them in the 2012 version. We need to have a third party reopen the file on those activities of TPL which lead to our suit against them, and to determine if we didn't give away or can still utilize any leverage we had on them, and use those findings to force new ComAg changes. I would threated TPL with everything and anything we had (including a criminal referral if crimes occured) for a ComAg that allowed for true oversight and management of the licensing program by a proven expert and independent party.

If it takes a suit by Shareholders to pressure the BOD to convince DL to make substantive changes to those agreements, so be it. Perhaps the BOD themselves have reasons to voluntarily cooperate with such a Shareholder demand. We won't know until we demand changes

I have lobbied for Otteson to be on the PDS BOD and as Manager, because hopefully that is the fastest and easiest way to start getting on tract and allowing PTSC to gain as much of the benefits licensing can provide to our bottom line and stock price. Otteson will bring a new level of scrutiny and fresh perspective to licensing activities and decisions going forward. Otteson is not the only person that can do this, but for us now, he's the perfect choice. Besides, I strongly believe that Otterson's "Ticket" and reputation means more to him than does the other two

The governance inside PTSC needs drastic changes too, and so long as they feel investors will restrict their complaints to grousing on a mesage board, the BOD will continue on their current path; just as we and they have done for the 5 years

Look, we have one last chance to make money here. Stockholders who have held shares for any significant time have only two choices to make money with their stock. 1. Hold on and wait for dividends to be paid. This requires making sure PTSC has MMP profits, that expenses are low enough to allow for them, that the company actually issues dividends, and that the level of dividends you receive will provide a good return on the price you paid and the holding period you held your stock. 2. Sell your stock to someone else hoping to make a capital gain from the sale. If you want to do #2, the new buyer will have to first consider his own analysis of #1, because that is the position he may very well find himself. If the new buyer expects to do #2 himself too, he now has to figure how much potential financial incentive will be left from the MMP from that point forward for another new buyer to buy his stock and make his own remaining gain calculation.

The problem is what I called Musical chairs investing of PTSC. You do NOT want to be hoding stock when the music stops, or anywhere near when it's about to stop. We KNOW the music will stop, we know about September 2015, and we know about the 6 year "look back". Unless PTSC as a company is sold or merged with someone else, or unless PTSC engages in other revenue producing business, when MMP revenues stop coming in, there is no reason for PTSC to exist. It's been a REAL disservice and failure of PTSC to their stockholders, to never address this obvious fear of investors about our company's time constrained future.

The very real Bottom line .. the time pressures of expiring patents will and ARE increasingly restricting investment and buy/sell/income options and opportinities.

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