Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Respondents may be grasping

You seem to have me confused with someone else; I am not a BoD defender. I am, however, a realist.

I have struggled, like you and many others have, as to why we should trust, believe, or even tolerate BoD memers who don't communicate with us, or invest their own money in the company they work for. What I am advocating, at this time, is that we take a realistic look at our options right now.

We've just 'won' our case in a Federal Court ... at last ...wonderful! Why doesn't the share price show it? People playing games?

However, our BoD has appealed our loss at the ITC ... good action. We are hopeful that they will work very hard to have this overturned.

The licences aren't rolling in yet, but perhaps, if we are successful in our appeal, it might start happening.

Now we wait.

Thank goodness for our own members, because, without them, we would have no news. We bicker and fight with each other, but we also commiserate and lean on each other for encouragement and optimism.

And we wait.

I understand the need to 'do' something ... and soon .... but, we must be patient a little longer, because the BoD wheels are moving, and I do believe they are trying to pull this together.

If, however, their efforts fail, then we must take action. But what action? Continually griping is useless, and only works against our investments. We need a solution and a plan to try to save our company from losing everything.

Having said all the above, I still believe we must first be patient and allow our BoD to get on with what they have undertaken and be supportive while they are trying to do this. This is where we need to pull together right now, supporting each other, and the BoD.

Write to them, phone them, encourage them, tell them we are counting on them and praying for success. We need to do this.

All of the above is my own personal opinion, of course.

Praying for success.


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