necessary by the fact of having a Licensing fee negotiations strategy built on puffery and bluffery, and executed by managers with questional integrity and reputation.
I have been shouting about this problem since even before the revelations of the HTC trial exposed just how disingenuious our demand techniques were, and how TPL receives through Alliasence over $2Mil a year just from PTSC's contributions to fund and continue these kinds of negotiations, on top of a percentage of whatever fee they recover. There is no independent oversight over our licensing program's integrity and expenses; even though there is a long history on which to require such oversight and direction.
If I were a Infringer, I'd make PDS prove up my MMP damages too; so would you.
Once again, the only ones truly paying the price for this undermining behavior are PTSC Shareholders; I guess that's why it was allowed to occur.