The SEC and my view.
The sec following the guidelines of Dodd-Frank is doing one thing. Protecting us from ourselves in pennyland. I've spent the last 6 months dealing with those issues. Sending the sec dozens of letters might not be worthwhile. It would confirm they were on the right path,dealing with pennies. I think we need to take Judd up on his offer. Use his law firm. Send that law firm our emails, concerns, evidence and let it go in as one unified package. If he is willing? TPL is either stupid or is begging for a subponea for his insider trading info.
Some of us remember a few years ago about a lawsuit, in which many of us thought we owned 75%. We learned we did not want a decision from the court. The big 3 settled on 50%. Now that may be in question. Who owns what again. Many have something to contribute if the sec is convinced to investigate. Somebody needs to do something. This consistent bickering is not good. Let's unite for once and put the drive by's on hold for a day or two and come up with something.