Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Perhaps an 8K filing soon - Laurie
Jul 30, 2014 10:33AM

You are correct, IMO. Assuming the Agreement was inked late Friday, we should see an 8-K after the close today.

And hopefully it will include info re: the terms of the Agreement, if not a copy of the Agreement itself. I'm hoping the info we receive will reveal that the Creditors Committee has been granted control of TPL as I suggested Monday. I'm convinced this has happened. Why?

In the BK Hearing the Friday before last, two of the issues actually heard were:

Filed & Entered: 07/18/2014
Hearing Held (Bk)
Docket Text: Hearing Held (related document(s):

313 Motion to Appoint Trustee filed by Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors,

360 Motion for Order Granting Leave, Standing and Authority to Investigate, Commence, prosecute and settle actions of the debtor's estate filed by Official Committee Of Unsecured Creditors

313 suggests to me that the Creditors wanted to get a Trustee, selected by them, to represent their interests at PDS.

360 suggests to me that the Creditors basically wanted to take over control of TPL, the one asset available. IMO, this is really the only way they could possibly and effectively "....Investigate, Commence, prosecute and settle actions of the debtor's estate....".

Assuming we (TPL's opponents) "won" on these issues, I believe my conclusion is correct. With 313, we got the Trustee. With 360, the Creditors essentially got control of TPL. In this sense, Swamy is representing TPL, only TPL is now under the control of the Creditors. So IMO, Swamy was found to be an acceptable person to represent the interests of the Creditors (including his own).

Why am I so convinced? One simple reason: A second Licensing Agent has been engaged. If DL (or his puppet) had any say in the matter, would he allow a competing LA to be put into play? IMO, NO WAY!

As for the discussion re: accepting low-dollar proposed license fees, IMO, if the Creditors allowed such they would almost certainly never see the money they pursue. People seem to overlook one IMO absolute fact. The Creditors ARE pursuing the money, nearly all of which is expected to come from the MMP. This is an obvious vote of confidence in the potential, and value, of the MMP. Many of the Creditors are either insiders or have knowledge far greater than the participatants on this forum, and they are expending significant time and money in a quest for what they, apparently, believe is reasonably possible. Otherwise, they'd just retract their claims and write off the debt as "uncollectible", and not throw good time and money after bad. And nobody here seems to notice....



Jul 30, 2014 06:32PM
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