I think one can read some interesting inferences into this release...
1.) Patriot Scientific Corporation (PTSC) announced... Good to see Patriot making the announcement. Asserting control?
2.) Palace Entertainment joins a roster of more than 100 MMP licensees from a variety of industries, including some of the world's largest electronics companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Nokia, General Electric, ASUStek, Amazon, and Philips. Interesting that there is no mention of Intel and Apple...
3.) The MMP Portfolio includes U.S. patents as well as their European and Japanese counterparts, which cover techniques that enable higher performance and lower cost designs essential to consumer and commercial digital systems ranging from PCs, cell phones and portable music players to communications infrastructure, medical equipment and automobiles. Stating that we are still alive in Europe and Japan; the next shoe to drop?
4.) No mention of a $ amount... Will be interesting to see what they paid (8K).
5.) And why would they buy it now with tthe pending HTC appeal?