IMO, this Settlement, if it occurs, was desired and initiated by TPL and PTSC. The last risk they wanted was a hard edge end to MMP revenues trickeling in; as that would effectively mean TPL goes to Chap 7, and I think a virtual certainty that PTSC would too.
This "Settlement" will result in The MMP and Shareholders remaining vulnerable to negotiation delays, legal leverage and pricing pressures by infringers and potential licensees. I have no doubt a Settlement will result in an accepted environment of even lower royalty rates going forward. I would have much preferred that we ended once and for all the Construction issue Sword of Damocles over our heads; that ruling would have been the leverage we needed for really discouraging legal threats, and ancillary support against our demanding higher License fees.
At a critical time, the powers that be have joined forces yet again, it's business as usual to protect their self interests. TPL stays in business and control, keeps getting concessions, and playing "hide the pea"; and PTSC insiders get to keep sucking the treasury dry through legal fees and salaries, with zero assuraces of demanding BK terms, or sufficient licensing activity that will impact PTC's stock price positively.. another unsurprising example in a long line of strategic BOD behavior.
As for Shareholders ... some of you get to keep promoting your mirage.
Happy New year to all of you.... it appears the BOD has made sure 2015 will be another financial windfall for themselves.