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Message: Value of HTC settlement

So PTSC is still in businsess, the widget business? But I get your point, the widget business is a meaningless business, n'est-ce pas? No, that is not what I wrote or what it means. I believe what it means is that we have morphed into more of a "production" based business, where more significance will be placed on efficiency and quantity of licenses, over exploiting the potential infringment size or quality of the infringer. The HTC trial award, the subsequent Settlement, the cloud of the ITC and threat of revisiting the Federal Circuit Court will prove that out in spades I believe. I have a friend in the widget business, lives in Newport Beach. He and his wife travel the world in luxury. So they are not Bill and Melinda Gates, but they have plenty of money.

The problem here is that we all bought in to the idea that PTSC has "the patent" and would be worth billions. Billions ? Indeed ! Didn't some CEO in 2007 at PTSC tell us they were like having "Patents on Water" ? I think we all get it that it is "The Patent". It's just that the billions are for the power players. Many of the characters in this legal wrangling got in the way of PTSC and CM and still are working towards that purpose. Nonsense, PTSC themselves blew it; Leadership wasn't capable of performing to the level of the opporunity it was given. But can PTSC survive and make some money? I think you are saying that they will, but only enough to pay the BOD? I ask could it be that maybe there will be enough to share with the shareholders? Maybe yes, maybe no. What I think you fail to appreciate, is that any profit that makes the bottom line, must justify investors carrying 400 Mil shares of ownership. The next person in line must anticipate a gain from his purchase before he decides to buy YOUR shares. That said, when you have a wasting asset with a definitive timeline, like these patents do (or oil wells or gold mines, etc), increasingly as you get to the end of that line, the value of the assets which were producing the revenues is zero; the asset's revenue potential has been fully exhausted. So, with a short revenue lifespan, profits and the certainty of their quantifiable distribution must be substantial; otherwise interest in stock resale and sufficient liquidity to support whatever price is desired, will never be reached. It's like musical chairs, what is the stock value to anyone, especially the person holding shares when the Licensing stops ??? But just what was the dollar amount? What were the terms? Did it include all products? Is there a partnership? Wait, maybe that is what happened with Apple??!!!

Your baseless suggestions of "Partnerships" and secret involvement by those companies who have already signed somehow wanting a piece of the Patents is fantasy and fiction. Because of TPL's BK status, Apple and others are simply making sure their MMP completed Licenses are recognized by the BK Court. It seems pretty clear to most that have researched it, that PTSC and TPL ruined the royalty potential of the Patents by establishing and accepting low licensee fees through most all of the history of their licensings. TPL's strategy was to start them low so that Litigation was avoided, and then TPL did their trickery and lowered them further just to improve their cashflow and support other operations. The golden goose was killed by PDS.

Now, you're all hung up on the Settlement dollars of HTC. Regardless of what it is, and I have already written that I suspect it will be generous in relative terms to the trial award. Unfortunately, you fail to understand the long term impact, and where the real cost of that settlement lies.

How is it that you know the details about the agreement to the extent that you can call it "pocket change"? OK, I'll play... For a person making $100,000, I think we all could agree that "lunch money" would be $50. So, for a MultiNational conglomerate, I'd consider "pocket change" for their many years of billion dollar revenue past use, and unlimited years of billion dollar revenue future use, especially as a cost of business for core technology, as being something like .05% (5/10,000th) of a company's annual revenues for one single year; I think that's more than fair. This would be the equilivent of $3,500,000 for HTC, $91,000,000 for Apple, $55,000,000 for HP, etc etc etc. Can you please share!!! TIA

So your point wasn't about the money. It's about the industry stealing and robbing from the inventor and the shareholders with the help of those that were supposed to help license the patent. What kind of justice is that? Brian, do really know why they call it BIG business! I know you do! Do you think they will let a small fry in their club of dominance? Maybe they can join but never take control, never! IMO PTSC and DL were too greedy and they fought each other. Divide and conquer.... The big guys loved it, to a point. I'm sorry, I just can't even respond to some of what you write.

At least PTSC may now get to join the club without the likes of DL's direct involvement. Being part of the club provides certain opportunities which are not available to those outside the club. That may be the real value of the settlement.

Yeah, that's it ..Apple and Samsung and ARM want the PTSC patents, we are in secret talks to be acquired by them, and they may possibly even let us become the Licensing arm for their own portfolios of patents.. ;) PTSC to the moon, our BOD outsmarted them all.

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