Thank you for posting it.
Especially the following parts I found very interesting and most depressing because it perfectly describes the changes and huge resistances PTSC was confronted in the last years:
"If you have a strong patent that is widely infringed you can expect to be dragged through the mud on a long, protracted and uncertain path to cash causes many start-ups, small businesses and inventors to go bankrupt.
With the climate so anti-patent, thanks in no small part to the ceaseless propaganda disseminated from some of the largest tech companies in Silicon Valley, patents as a whole in the high tech and biotechnology sectors are worth far less today than they were a few years ago. The largest tech companies have really shot themselves in the foot.
We need elected federal leaders and federal judges to wake up and realize what is staring them in the face. It is unthinkable, but the United States is no longer the most favorable jurisdiction for innovative start-ups."