Thanks for your response. Have you noticed / do you recall if Arnold Porter has been listed in any of the MMP legal filings over the years as lawyers for any of the infringing companies? Would be interesting to know.
It's interesting and perhaps unfortunate that Otteson wasn't willing to, or couldn't bring the MMP business over to A-P in the move. I assume that was A-P's choice rather than ours, but perhaps it's just an issue of A-P being too expensive for our needs. Still, you'd think that most of the heavy lifting is complete already, so A-P would be able to reap the rewards and if they were to be large, get their share without too much effort, relatively.
Not sure if we can read that much into the whole deal, but it seems there should have been a better result for the MMP with Otteson's move.
For the cynical conspiracy theorists out there, we now know that Otteson was just a plant by the big infringers in a master plot to litigate the MMP to a diminished conclusion with HTC, a mnor player, so as to set the precedent for low awards when the Samsungs, and ZTE's of the world come up to the plate. The buyout of Agility by A-P was Otteson's reward for a job poorly done?! This was all part of the master plan by the Goliaths of the infringing world to kill David. LOL
Thank goodness we have our visionary expert team of Directors and the mastermind they turned the keys to the golden goose over to, El Pepe LeCkrone!
If Flowers were smart, he'd forget about the IP licensing and get us a deal on the movie rights! Gotta be at least a 10M deal out there to tell this story.