Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: WOW! What TOTAL ABJECT Failures Flowers, Johnson & Felcyn have been

On 9/17/07, when Cliff Flowers joined PTSC, the share price was 45 cents, and there were 391K shares outstanding. Roughly a $176M market cap for PTSC. PTSC had assets of $24M on its balance sheet.

On 10/9/09, when Cliff Flowers was appointed Interim CEO, the share price was 32 cents, and there were 410M shares outstanding. Roughly a $131M market cap for PTSC. PTSC had assets of $32M on its balance sheet.

As of today, the share price is less than 4 cents, and there are 401M shares outstanding. Roughly a $16M market cap for PTSC. On 5/31/15, PTSC had assets on its balance sheet of barely $5M (likely less now).

In the 8 years Cliff has been with PTSC, he has received $3M in compensation.

In the 8 years Cliff has been with PTSC, the MMP has brought PTSC over $41M in ADDITIONAL revenue. That is JUST PTSC's PORTION!

So if you add $41M to the $24M in assets PTSC had when Cliff joined, that's $65M in resources that PTSC has had access to and that Cliff was directly responsible for overseeing to create a sustainable profitable company, and to strengthen the MMP licensing effort.

So in 8 years, Cliff Flowers has pissed away $60M in REAL COLD HARD CASH AND ASSETS! $3M of it went into his OWN POCKETS. Another nearly $2M went into Carlton Johnson's and Gloria Felcyn's pockets.

Aside for the actual resources pissed away from the comapny, DIRECTLY becuase of THEIR ACTIONS, INACTIONS, DECISIONS and PERFORMANCE, shareholders have lost $160M in value.

All of that despite that in this time frame the MMP exited the USPTO intact, and the courtroom intact, there is NOTHING that one can honestly argue is better about PTSC or fora shareholders than it was when he joined, when he became CEO, or anytime since. NOTHING!!!! He essentially PERSONALLY handed out $60M in 8 years, $7.5M per year, with nothing but failure upon failure in return. Where did it go? What did he do with it? How can that be considered performance that merited him keeping his job, much less being promoted and receiving increases and bonuses?!

How can Carlton and Gloria still be there?!

The only explanation is that he, and they have no ethics, no morals, no integrity! They are literally theives, as they have taken, taken and taken, yet provided NOTHING of value in return. They clearly have no shame or self resepct, as anyone with those qualities would've replaced themselves out of sheer embarassment.

There have been so many defenders of this crew over the years, and so many who want to blame those outside the company for this dismal show. HOWEVER, this is EIGHT YEARS!! Not 1 year, or 2 years... but EIGHT YEARS!!! Do you see why you were out of bounds to defend these folks?! Do you see how WRONG it was to try and disparage SHAREHOLDERS who tried to show you what reality was?! Do you see how much damage you did to shareholders with your own excuse mentality!?

There is no PLAN. There is no STRATEGY. There is no ETHICAL FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY at PTSC. There is simply grifters looking to go through the motions and pick up their check. And it's been that plan all along. THAT IS THE PLAN! The evidence is crystal clear.

Cliff Flowers, EIGHT YEARS??!!! EIGHT YEARS and all you have done is DESTROY! Shame on you! Gloria FELCYN and CARLTON JOHNSON, your tenure has been even longer, and all you have done is DESTROY, and allowed DESTRUCTION with IMPUNITY.

SHAME ON YOU! How can you sleep at night? How can you look in the mirror?!

$5M of blood money in your own pockets. $55M into your friends' pockets. $160M taken from shareholders pockets. Dan Leckrone?! Sure he's no better, but the TRUTH IS, he's not worse either. YOU ARE ALL INTERCHANGEBLE.

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