US District Court, Northern District of California
Judge Charles R. Breyer - 10 FEBRUARY
10:00 AM (r)C-05-4844 Panasonic Corporation v Patriot Scientific Corporation
D`s Moton to Dismiss, Stay or Transfer
Judge Marilyn Hall Patel - 13 FEBRUARY
02:00 PM (r)C 05-4838 Toshiba America Inc et al v. Patriot Scientific Corporation et al:
Defendant`s Motion to Transfer/Stay/Dismiss
Nothing posted for NEC-(Judge Alsup) or Fujitsu noted so far.
The three case #`s pulled from PACER.
MHP 3:05-CV-04838 Toshiba
CRB `` CV-4844 Panasonic(Matsushita)
WHA `` CV-4847 NEC
Getting to Texas may be a long drawn out conclusion...?
Regards Raillery