I am a psychologist with a minor in statistics and an understanding of mathmatical modeling which is irrelevant here. People are motivated by perceptions, in this case perception of value. I further understand that the Markman hearing may define that for us. What I`m interested in now is who are the major stakeholders in PTSC, what do they know that we don`t regarding the ``true`` value of PTSC, what are their motives for buying, what value can reasonably be placed on the Moore portfolio, what is the value of PTSC`s other patents not covered by the agreement with TPL, what relationship does PTSC have with Interlys and how does the board realize value for themselves. Most of these questions we don`t have a clue about. I would hate to sell this company at $1.50 and have it turn into a Rhambus or pursue some other business model that carries it much higher.