i am inclined to agree with your way of seeing this.
the patent is like nothing that the industry has ever seen
and some very big names have been paying (granted the amounts are not staggering but their is a compensation to the patent being made). I think we need to know what we
own. I dont think the market or the written ``media``
understands the depth of the patent and what it covers.
the few companys that have signed have awoken some investment eyes....the more deals...the more the stock
will reach its true value.
you would have to be blind to think this stock has reached
its value. where is that value is the true question...
the patents alone are worth more than $1.50 this i am sure.
Now factor in royalties ( i do believe there will be...the
amount again is unknown). Entry into a decent exchange
with their balance sheet, fund managers, and the general mania that will be sure to follow a stock play like this and the stock price could go where? $10? $20?..$50?
This is where the wise make money and the greedy watch it
all go away. I speak from experience....i never sold a share at $7 and walked it back to the pennys.
Now how about Turley`s presence for a company with no employees...makes no sense unless their is an iron in the fire. is the iron an acquisition or ignite/inflame. its
another gamble that makes the true value of the stock IMO
hard to determine. Turley was not brought on to give
credence to a patent that the industry is already beginning
to recognize. If IGNITE lives up to the claims, now what
is the value of the stock?
i think we go lots higher.
just my opinion.
good luck to all.
Ps : anyone remember the ``Phantom``