Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Prayer


posted on Mar 05, 2006 06:44PM
Lord in Heaven,

You know I`m am a sinner, I envy others, I worry, I lust after women and things,I drink too much at times,I don`t eat right, and I even cause others to sin at times. There are other thing I do wrong and don`t know them when I do them. Thank you for your grace and provision afforded me in 1 John 1-9, I claim the forgivness for all known and unknown sins....Thank you.

I have asked you in the past to bless my stock portfolio and you have not seen fit to do so for me, as a matter of fact I would mention that you have alowed just the opposite to happen. Maybe you have done so to bring me to where I am at this point in my life.

You already know that my house is falling apart, the foundation sank and my walls are cracking and I can`t open my front door, my hvac unit is about to wear out, my dishwasher quit working, the drain is broken under the sink and my truck is approching 150K miles on it. Thank you so much for alowing me to have all this crap in the first place.

I prayed for an extra speical angel to be assigned to me for protection when I was a little kid...and I have always thanked you for keeping me under this speical protection and now giving my family the same. Thank you so much, I know it works.......I need help now with my health, like you know I don`t excersise or eat right and my cholorestal is way to high and I get depressed easy. I ask you to heal me from any damage I may have done to myself and/or have gotten from my surroundings. I cite the fact Jesus not only took my sin upon him but also suffered physical harm as well.....let my physical harms be cleansed by the pain he has already suffered as well.

MY job my be going away, you know the owner has dies and is with you now, his son has cancer and is sick, as a manager for him I have employees that count on us to make a living, also mentioning myself as well. If the company gets sold I know I would loose my job, for they would want their own mgmt. I have two wonderful teenage kids who both want to go to college, my daughter only managed to get a 23 on her ACT test after repeeted prayers to you for a scholarship for her.I want so much to make it happen for her and my son both. Thank you so much for them and you watching over them, for being divorced I can`t do it all the time.

I have no retirement plan at work and even though I may hate my job I still thank you for it. You know I need money to live, provide and be abe to retire et al. I`ve lost all my money trying to gain capitol to start a business but got it too big of a hurry and lost it all. Thank you for allowing me to have enough left to have the 112k shares of PTSC stock. Thank you for helping me find this God given jewel. Your grace is for all and like the logistical grace you hand out with the rain water for everyone, if they need it or not........I pray that you bless the MMP portfoilo and the efforts to make money from the IP you helped them think up. I need, others need, but some don`t.......I ask that you bless all involved whether they need it or not, even the worst sinners possible can benifit if they own TPL

or some of PTSC.....let all profit accordingly and I hope some use the money to your glory. I also request that if , by your grace, I do reach my goal pps, please let the people who buy my shares at least double there money...I`m not the only one in need.

In the Name of Jesus I pray, and to him I give the glory, Amen

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