scenarios and it`s still absurd! Let’s take the $260B that TPL is throwing around and say we will only be able to extract royalties from half of the infringers. They only pay a meager 1% royalty and we split that with TPL.
$260B / 2 = $130B
$130B x .01 = $1.3B
$1.3B x .5 = $650M/year in royalties alone
OK now let’s say the market is closer to $200B and we are able to extract royalties from only 1/4 of the infringers at the same meager 1% rate.
$200B / 4 = $50B
$50B x .01 = $500M
$500M x .5 = $250M a year in royalties alone
and so on and so on...I know this is just a scenario but even $100M in royalties alone would be amazing. I didn`t even take into consideration any of the one time licensing fees we are and will be collecting.
We first need to find out how the royalty schedules are being structured by the parties involved to narrow down the assumptions. The volatility really lies in no one really having enough information to even attempt to value us.
As unlikely as it seems, the real worst case scenario would be if we are not successful in ever extracting royalties. I feel the comments on TPL’s site about “system manufacturers” paying royalties on finished products along with the recent Patriot PR’s about “system licenses” leads me to believe we should be receiving royalties. Time will tell if we did/do but just thinking about the numbers is staggering.