“As to filing suit against other companies right now, I would disagree. The old saying ``strength in numbers`` comes to mind, and we don`t want to create a situation in which we are the ``common enemy`` that is the target of many defendants --- in that scenario, at least at some point, there is a likelihood of diminishing returns.”
I agree…who was it that said, “Divide and Conquer”? This would appear to be the best strategy for this situation.
I also have to wonder, are we really as high on their radar as we think? In searching on patent infringement cases out there, every company is being sued for various reasons…from memory, to keyboard functionality, video display, storage access, you name it. I am not saying that they (the J3 and everyone else out there who are possible infringers) are not going to try and either defeat the infringement claim or settle as cheaply as possible, rather, it just seems that what we are watching appears to be just another day in the office for these guys.