Over the last few weeks there have been many post that have speculated that our share price could go north of $24 dollars to as far as your recent post of $50 per share. As a long since `99 I would be thrilled with that figure (that is if I am still long at that time).
However, I do not think that either figure is very realistic with the number of outstanding shares we currently have. At fifty dollars a share ptsc would have a market cap north of 18 Billion dollars. Unless we have a massive share buyback or reverse split I do not see the justification for these numbers. An 18 billion dollar market cap exceeds such companies as intu, sunw, f, gm, gps naming only a few major companies (of course they all have debt and ptsc doesn`t, but....).
Please give us all some realistic justification for your price otherwise I think it might be wise to enjoy what has happened and I think I will maintain my exit point which is considerably lower then those being thrown around.
As always ``we shall see`` and I hope you are right but...