what makes you think that investing in ptsc is a game and that only if traders are involved in a stock does it move to the upside.
I am old enough and have been around the block in the market often enough to know that your declaration,
``that the run is over folks. The play was the play``
is without foundation and is in my opinion is a great reason for you to sell your position in ptsc, (that is if you own) and move on. I suggest you go play elsewhere.
I have many thoughts on why our share price has slid but what I think is irrelevent what is relevent is that the fact is that nothing and I must repeat, that nothing has changed since Patriot and TPL won the right to continue the legal claim againist the J3 in the rocket docket district of eastern Texas. This came after we learned of several infringers settling and two dividends.
So I say to you and the other ``players`` out there go play elsewhere if you want to roll the dice with the ``traders`` you so fondly quote but I will stay long until I learn facts that will make me change from the Long that I am.