Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Promises, Promises!

Promises, Promises!

posted on Jan 31, 2008 07:03AM

Extreme Negativity today, (the snakes are winning the battle)........ now, the rest of the story. The other side of the coin. Look at my last note down the page below praising Jim Turley and the Board.

My deadline is May 1. If they haven't solved their issues by then, it's definitely time to move on. I'm going to start selling in this period if not before. Waiting is getting to painful and there are too many other good stocks out there. This stock is a suckers game in many ways. They have employed every stalling tactic conceived by the Wall Street mammon to keep me from giving up on a company that should be ruling the roost.

I believe in many ways, that they are doing their best, as the last shareholder letter stated but there are consistently for the last 3 years, too many excuses which you can listen to forever if you like to beat yourself up. Every day we are looking more and more like the patent troll that we have become due to consistent negligence by the entire management team of PTSC. Nice guys finish last and it is obvious that the management doesn't know how to play hardball.

Letters will do you no good. Listen to all the politicians. ALL will tell you consistently what you want to hear. David Pohl said they were looking for M&A, 2 years ago and were "really" close to acquisition but things fell through at the last moment. They have continued to fall through ad infinitum and they are doing nothing to stop this moving train headed to the pink sheets if they are not carefull. This is what our BOD is, a bunch of politicians. All you will get back is a political letter that will make claims of success but when you look at the bottom line, TPL, who controls PTSC because of extremely poor decisions by our management, will not rest until they have all the marbles and right now they appear in no rush to get this resolved.

Politically, however, I suggest they get their butts moving as 4 November is not far away. Whether you like it or not, there will be a significant shift to the Democrats at that time as all indicators are leading in that direction based on the do nothing Congress that is not bringing the change Americans desire. TPL may then be looking at a zero sum game. They are not getting anything done, strictly due to USPTO. Licensors say I'm not paying for something now when it is obvious I won't have to pay later, lol. I believe this is the hanging chad that will end the success of MMP. There is no billion dollar payoff as the Powers to be will not allow it. This is a joke on us.

Basically, the government, (USPTO) and a bunch of lawyers (TPL)have taken hold of our private parts (MMP) and they haven't figured out when they will start cutting, yet. PTSC, are you going to sit there, helplessly, and let them start cutting or are you going to do something about it? If you don't you will soon be the proverbial steer on the way to the slaughtering house. Unfortunately, we won't be eating the steak. We will be the Prime Rib on somebody else's plate.

Enough vitriolic dung coming out of my brain. Reality may lie somewhere between my positive message down the page and this tripe that I have just written or it may lie exactly in the previous message or exactly on what I've written above. Your conjecture is probably better than mine.

It's like betting on the Patriots or the Giants and also wondering if the fix is on? It only takes one Judas to change the course of the game. It seems like the Patriots should win but ................ not necessarily so.

Go PTSC, go Patriots and a big Hoowah! for our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airman fighting the good fight in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world.

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