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Message: Board rules, and those who enforce them...

Board rules, and those who enforce them...

posted on Jun 13, 2008 07:34AM

It is good that there are some rules in place to keep this board somewhat in focus and not let it get out of hand or abusive. But I do believe that these rules have become to rigid, and some of the enforcers to serious.

I for one am all for free speach. I have never advocating removing anyone from this board. I have never reported anyone, and odds are I probably wouldn't. You would have to do something pretty abusive and/or with some serious ill intent behind your post for me to report it. Which leads me to getting on my soapbox. (I hate when I do that).

This board has become like school systems across this country, the TSA, and certain governments, including our own. For example, the guy who had to change shirts at an airport in Paris I believe because he was wearing a Transformers t-shirt showing one of the transformers, (which is a cartoon character by the way), with a gun in his hand. This shirt was viewed as offensive and a potential terrorists threat. Apparently it is against the law in France to offend someone, weather it is intentional or not. The guy changed his shirt so as not to get arrested and catch his flight back to the good old U.S. of A, where we are just one step behind these ridiculous thought control, liberal nut job laws. I mean, can you believe it!? A cartoon character on a t-shirt!!

Or how about the kid who goes to school wearing a t-shirt advocating christianity during Gay awareness week? The kid is asked to turn his shirt inside out so as not to offend the gay kids, during gay awareness week. If he doesn't he'll get supspended. Unbelievable!!!!

Or how about going through the TSA checkpoints at the airport where they will take your un-registered, highly threatening and deadly, nail clipper from you. Are you kidding me??!!! Please everyone, I highly encourage you to watch Carlos Mencia's DVD, "Not for the easily offended". Watch and learn, and laugh your you know what off in the process. Especially you Corvette1970, I think this is right up your alley. I think you're going to love it.

Anyhow, that's what has become of this board. Although probably well meant, we now have incredibly rigid rules, (as opposed to common sense guidelines), which are fanatically enforced. Personally people, I think the intent of peoples message should be what is judged, not necessarily the specific words used. And if we had common sense guidelines, people like the Waz could get in his very rare, but much appreciated by all appearances on the main topic forum. It is truly a sad sad day when the Waz can not make one of his rare, but always entertaining appearances.

As far as Head22 getting the boot, I didn't know that is what happened to him. I'm against all forms of censorship, all forms of thought control, and against ridiculous overly rigid lame rules that absolutely stifles free thought and expression. If I don't like what someone has to say, I don't have to listen to them. If they clearly have ill intent in mind in the form of blatently harming others, and/or blatently trying to mislead us on this board in order to manipulate the SP, then that's one thing. But the emphasis is on blatent and abusive, not this nitpicking overly rigid thought police rules we have going on now, and certain aggressive enforcers of said rules who take themselves to seriously.

Could we please get back to common sense, courtesy, respect of others, and manners? Just like in the real world with our governments and school systems, rigid, fanatical, lame thought control and rules, and their overly zeolous enforcers; It doesn't work well there, and it's not going to work well here. Not to mention it's just plain wrong.

I will now get off my soapbox. Thank you very much, please drive through...

- 67GTO

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