You make valid points, but so does Milestone. You can almost compare the LBAS product to TiVo. Do you go out and buy a TiVo for $700 and pay the monthly subscription fee, or do you pick up the phone and call your cable or dish provider and have it added to your bill (no upfront cash), and in some cases for less than the monthly TiVo fee? TiVo has a superior product, but the competition provides convenience. TiVo just turned in it's first profitable quarter after several years. The LBAS technology looks good, no doubt about it, but will they be able to compete against the cell phone carriers that allready have the estabished customer base? The one problem with cell the kids just turn them off. IMO, someone will take LBAS out if the technology is really that good...which it appears to be. JMO Didn't eant to butt in, but it is interesting.
Good luck.