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Message: Re- 45 Ways to be a good Conservative - Read betweent the lines.

Re- 45 Ways to be a good Conservative - Read betweent the lines.

posted on Jul 02, 2008 05:46PM

By the way Borredo. These answers aren't directed at you personally, although as I read what I wrote it sure appears that way. Don't take it personal. I think it was great that you posted this. I just felt the need to respond to them as a conservative.

- 67GTO

There are multiple ways you can be a good conservative. Here's just a sampling:

1) You call yourself pro-life but you support the death penalty.

People on death row are adults who made choices in their lives that put them on Death Row. Innocent unborn babies are generally aborted as a form of birth control by irresponsible mothers. Unless you're going to tell me that the vast majority of mothers who choose abortion do so because they are pregant due to rape or incest? Unborn babies are innocent, and have no say in the termination of their lives.

2) You have to believe that businesses deserve tax breaks and poor and middle class Americans should pay more.

I'm not going to defend business's. But I will say that the poor get taxed at the lowest rate, the middle class at the next highest rate, and that wealthy people get taxed at the highest rate of all.

3) You have to believe that the wealthiest among us deserve the largest tax breaks.

They don't get the largest tax break. Their tax bracket is the highest of any of us. That's a fact. And I'm not defending them, I'm a poor struggling student who is upside down in this stock hoping to see it turn around some day.

4) You have to believe that the rights of outdoorsmen and hunters are at risk because of limited proposals to take cop-killer bullets which splinter upon impact are having their legitimacy as a tool for hunting is being questioned.

Cop killer bullets are bullets that liberals call cop killers. Someone could shoot a cop with a simple .22, that would make one of the smallest calibers out there a cop killer also. I have bullets that I keep in my .45 that are designed to mushroom upon impact. I don't have them to kill cops, ( I haven't killed any yet), but because they offer greater stopping power should someone try and break into my house and harm either myself and/or my wife.

By the way, California has outlawed all .50 caliber rifles in the state because they are considered "cop killers" as you described. Because their rounds could punch right through the armor a cop wears. Know how many cops have been killed in California by a .50 caliber? Try ZERO. Know how many cops have been killed in the U.S. by .50 calibers? Right again, ZERO! It's just hype and fear mongering by the left. You could wack a cop on the head with a ball pinged hammer and he would be just as dead. Should we outlaw all ball pinged hammers as "cop killers" just because they have the potential to kill cops?

5) You have to believe that you're a protector of wildlife because you kill wildlife.

Although I haven't hunted since I was a kid, I absolutely defend the right to hunt. Hunting wild animals, which is a renewable resource if you think about it, has been a tradition in this country since day one. Why is there a problem with hunting, but liberals don't have a problem going to Safeway and buying chicken, pork, beef, lamb, etc... When they kill a cow at a slaughter house, they place it's head in a vice so to speak and then they shoot it right between the eyes. The cow is scared to death, literally. It knows what's coming. Do you know how veal is raised? Do you know that chickens and turkeys are smashed into pens and raised that way until they are slaughtered for your thighs and drumsticks that you BBQ? Think about that.

6) You believe you're a protector of the environment yet you support draining marshes and wetlands to make way for businesses.

I don't support draining marshes and wetlands for businesses. Ducks Unlimited, the NRA, and a variety of other national hunting organizations do more to improve the environment than any liberal does. Who do you think pays for all those wetlands restorations and habitat improvements? More money comes from hunting and fishing licensing fees by state and federal governments that are put toward those improvements than any other source of income.

7) You believe that the 2nd amendment to the constitution says only "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed" but conveniently forget that the first part of that same sentence says, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state…"

Read what the Supreme court has to say on that:

During the time of the founding of our country, militamen were required to show up for drill with their own weapon, ammo, and powder. The govt. didn't supply any of that. Free citizen militias supplied their own. That's because everyone had guns. Common sense tells you that people hunted, fought battles, defended their land, family, and homes, and freely carried weapons in those days. It was a given. Nobody was confused about it back then.

You believe that Ronald Reagan who slashed student grants and fired air traffic controllers deserves to have a library and an airport named after him.

As a student, I can tell you that I'm a fan of student loans. As a Commercial pilot, I can tell you I'm a fan of air traffic controllers. But as much as I personally side and feel for those air traffic controllers, they were blatently breaking the law. Their being fired was a consequence of breaking the law. My Uncle was one of them.

9) You believe that North Korea's 2006 test of nuclear weapons was a result of a blunder made by former President Bill Clinton who left office in 2000.

Yep. Let's see, Clinton makes a deal whereby the U.S. offers economic aid and oil shipments to N. Korea as long as they don't continue with their nuclear program. This is based on their word with no verification in place. Yep, I was say that Clinton was pretty much an idiot on that one.

10) You have to believe that global warming has more to do with normal changes in the worlds atmosphere than pollution, destruction of the ozone layer and emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

It's my understanding that the Earth is currently in a 6000 year old warming cycle, which pre-dates civilization of man by the Mesopatiums in the Euprates/Tigres valley in 3500 B.C. Can our putting pollutents in the air be a contributing factor? Possibly. But for every scientest who believes that there is something to man made global warming, there are just as many who claim it doesn't exist. Man made global warming at this point is a hypothesis. It is absolutely not a scientific fact. It can't be proven at this point.

Which isn't to say that I'm for polluting. I am very much against pollution. Remember, we conservatives are here to conserve. See #6 above.

11) You believe that drug use is bad except when it comes to drug abuse by high profile conservative talk radio show hosts.

Not true.

12) You believe that outlawing gay marriage will keep heterosexual marriage strong.

There is no such thing as Gay marriage. Look it up in the dictonary. Marriage by defenition is between a man and a women. Gay marriage is an oxymoron.

13) You believe that gays are immoral yet adulterous talk radio show hosts are well within their rights to preach morality.

Hypocrits are hypocrits. I guess that makes the talk radio hosts worse in this case as at least the gays are up front about who they are.

14) You believe that teachers who sometimes work 14+ hour days for less than $50K a year are overpaid while CEO's who receive millions are receiving fair compensation.

I do not. I believe that CEO's pay in this country are down right criminal. But it's not illegal.

15) You have to believe that a 4 cell zygote deserves more rights than a person waiting to stand trial for a crime they have not been convicted of.

The person standing trial has the same rights as everyone else. The question of a zygote having rights isn't the issue. The question of a zygote being a life is.

16) You have to believe the ACLU, whose exclusive reason for being is to protect against abuses of the Bill of Rights, is bad but the NRA whose goals include legalizing assault rifles, cop killer bullets and explosives is good.

As a lifetime NRA member I can tell you factually and emphatically that the NRA is not for legalizing explosives. And the definition of an assault rifle in this country is defined by liberals the same way the define "cop killer" bullets. See #4 above.

17) You believe that fiscal responsibility means borrowing money which future generations will have to pay to give you and businesses a tax break now.

I absolutely do not. I think this country WAY overspends. See my posting in response to Joe America.

18) You believe a fee is not a tax.

I do not. Fees are absolutely a form of tax to me. The federal, state, and local governments got you coming and going. Conservatives by nature are against taxation.

19) You support unmitigated expansion of casino gaming when Republicans are in office but you decry gambling as a moral outrage when Democrats are in power.

Not sure about that. I think religous leaders decry gambling, period. I'm a conservative and I like to gamble.

20) You believe that Rush Limbaugh is more important to our history than the forefathers of our country and the makers of the Constitution of the United States.


21) When speaking of race relations you say things like "I'm not racist but …"


22) You believe you are a picture of racial harmony yet you choose to live in a community where people of other races are not regularly seen.

I don't control who lives in my neighborhood. And I'm a big fan of something Martin Luther King Jr. said. He something along the lines of, "Don't judge a man by the color of his skin, but by the strength of his character". I couldnt' agree more. Race isn't an issue with me, values are. Why is it that liberals are constantly playing the race card and causing division between the races by constantly making an issue of race? Who's the racist here?

23) You believe that proposals to expand or develop mass transit into your community will result in "a certain element" and "troublemakers" coming into your neighborhood.

I think there is a little bit of truth to that. But I think the Pro's of mass transit far outweight the cons. I speak of the truth of that from first hand experience as one who lived in a community with very low crime, graffitee etc... Prior to light rail being installed in my community.

24) You believe it is fair for private schools to get public funds but that it unfair to make them take students with disabilities.

I don't believe that.

25) You believe that public schools are bad and private schools are good.

I don't believe that literally. But I do believe there is truth in that. Why would people pay a fortune to put their kids in private school as opposed to free public school if there isn't truth to that. Everyones stupid?

26) You believe that programs which take money away from public schools should not affect how well a public school is able to educate their children.


27) You believe that a person who graduates from college with a teaching certificate and $100,000 in college debt should be happy to take a job starting at $20,000 a year and is selfish because they hope to at least get a pension and health insurance after serving for 30 years of the best years of their lives.

Nope. Who says this kind of stuff?

28) You believe in "health savings accounts" where individuals have to pay for their own health care but oppose regulating the profits of drug companies.


29) You believe that seniors who break the law and import the prescription drugs they need to stay alive from foreign countries are scofflaws but the drug companies that make it impossible for them to pay their heating bills are upstanding Americans merely responding to the market conditions of supply and demand.

Nope. More power to those seniors!

30) You have to believe that holding people the government suspects of being an enemy combatant should be shuttled through airports like the one in Shannon Ireland to transport them to covert torture facilities yet you believe Rush Limbaugh deserved a speedy trial.

Pretty much. I don't think of people who are ok with blowing themselves up along with everyone else around them as "enemy combatents". I think people that torture and saw peoples heads off are called "terrorists". If it were me, I would just take them out back and shoot them. No wait. That would be wrong. I would take them out back and wack them over the head with a ball pinged hammer. Don't want to give guns a bad name you know.

31) You have to believe that a President whose dishonesty led to over 3000 American troops dying and over 50,000 Iraqi's dying should not even be questioned yet millions of taxpayers dollars should be spent to prosecute a President accused of getting an extra-marital blow job.

The President, Congress (including all the democrats who voted for it), and all the other western powers were relying on and believing the same intelligence that said they did have WMD's. That' not called lying.

32) You believe that voting abuses only happen in poor areas and the Republican party is well within their rights to send lawyers to the polls to intimidate the poor and disenfranchised in neighborhoods they do not do well in.

Nope. Never heard of such a thing. But I would like to know how come all those people in Florida screwed up so bad on their voting machines. The same voting machines that the most of the rest of the country was using....

33) You believe the working poor who struggle to put food on the table should have to take unpaid time off from work to get a special voter ID card which does little more than duplicate the identifying uses of a home utility bill.

I think everyone should have the correct ID. It is not I who is singling any particular group out. And I would think that all Americans would want to insure the integrity of our voting system by making sure that those who are truly qualified to vote, be allowed and encouraged to do so.

34) You believe that gun owners should be allowed to covertly and legally carry guns into places like shopping malls, churches, playgrounds and even events where liquor under the guise that it will keep our streets safer.


35) You believe that businesses that profit from products they know to be health hazards while hiding the dangerousness of their products should receive blanket immunity and the victims who sometimes die or are crippled by their negligence are just looking to get rich with "frivolous lawsuits".


36) You believe businesses like Wal-Mart whose employees often have to rely on government subsidized or sponsored programs for basic health care should be given tax breaks but their employees don't deserve a living wage.

All I know is no matter what you have a business pay someone, that same business will jack up their prices to cover the cost of the increased pay. Either that and/or lay additional people off. You tell me how this living wage actually benifts the worker and the consumer?

37) You believe that State politicians who want to limit local government officials ability to levy taxes while at the same time allowing state taxes to grow have your best interests in mind, yet local officials who typically receive less in compensation and are more tied to the community are greedy.

I truly do believe that local, state, and federal government have their own best interests in mind. Thus as a conservative, I'm for smaller government and less spending.

38) You believe a pharmacist should be allowed to not fill a prescription from a womans doctor yet a PETA activist should still have to check out a customer wanting to purchase meat in a grocery store.


39) You say you support stem cell research to benefit humans but you only want researchers to study stem cell lines that have been compromised by rodents.

Nope, news to me.

40) You continue to believe that the health care system which currently devastates the nest eggs of so many seniors is not in crisis and that the answer is health savings accounts (another way of saying pay for it yourself).

Pretty much. I'm a big believer in pesonal responsibility. I don't believe it's the govt.s job to feed my and wipe my you know what. Which isn't to say I'm not for some forms of safety nets.

41) You believe you are "pro-business" but say businesses should not be allowed to attract quality employees by offering fringe benefits for domestic partners of those potential employees.

There is a big difference between allowing a business to do that, and mandating that through legislation. If a business chooses to do that and can afford it, more power to them. I don't think a business should be forced to do that.

42) You believe that after all of the well behaved city kids are effectively forced to go to a charter school because the only neighborhood kids who remain are bullies and thugs, that a public school should still have to "compete" with private schools with testing standards or else have their funding cut yet again.

See #25 above.

43) You believe that the (then) record deficits which occurred under the twelve years of Reagan-Bush Sr. were just the result of bad timing due to natural economic trends but that the eight years of surpluses and economic prosperity under President Bill Clinton were due to the sound economic policies of Reagan and Bush Sr.

Reagan/Bush Sr. had to spend a ton on defense after the Carter administration had gutted our military. Remember when ships couldn't go to sea and planes couldn't fly due to lack of manpower and spare parts? Remember the sky high interest rates of the Carter administration. You don't fix this stuff overnight.

When Clinton came into office, the economy was already on the upswing due to Bush Sr.s policies. Of course when Clinton came into office, like all liberal administrations, he again completely gutted the military. With the cold war over and the military being gutted, defense contracters had to find a new source of income, thus the tech boom of the 90's. You think Clinton planned all this?

Democrats always say they support the troops. Well, at least since post Vietnam they do. Ever wonder why all the air craft carriers are named after Republican Presidents? It sure isn't because of all that wonderful support the democrats gave the military.

44) You believe that the record deficits and record national debt under George W. Bush is due to poor decisions made during the previous administration of Bill Clinton.

Nope, I don't. I think this Republican Congress WAY overspent, thus them losing control of congress this last time around. I think the War on Terrorism is costing us a shitload.

You notice I'm at least honest enough to call it like it is.

45) Wisconsinites only - You believe that the state debt inherited by Governor Jim Doyle is Jim Doyle's own fault and not the fault of borrowing and spending plans from years under the administrations of past Governor Tommy Thompson and his Lt. Governor Scott McCallum.

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