Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re - The 11th husband....67GTO....

Re - The 11th husband....67GTO....

posted on Jul 09, 2008 10:30AM

Lol. No kidding!

This place is becoming unreal!

On the plus side, thank God for freedom of speach.

I honestly think to a large degree that Agoracom itself is at fault for the degeneration of this board. Think of it as a classroom of kids. First you institute censorship, (I'm sure meant for the greater good of the board), in order to keep the kids in line and reduce name calling. Then you pick out a couple of the kids to be in charge of the rest of the kids. (Smart move there). Then the kids that are in charge start arbitrarely adding their own spin on the rules. Anarchy insues...

Personally I think as adults we should be treated like adults. Are all the adults well mannered toward each other? No. But like some of us learned in sociology, the larger group will subtley keep the fringe elements in line. If anyone is blatently and extremely out of line, then they can get the boot.

Censorship never works and is only going to cause resentment and push back from the masses. Among other things, our country was founded on freedom of speach. Many men and women have died so that the rest of us can exercise that right. Why would we all of a sudden submit to not having that right to exercise that freedom?

Think I'm wrong about what I'm saying? Look at this board, the proofs in the pudding.

- 67GTO

PS. I will probably now be censored... Or maybe not. This is the OT board and I have not personally attacked anyone. Let's see how well they keep to their own rules...

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