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Message: Definition of Libearal

Definition of Libearal

posted on Jul 27, 2008 08:39AM

From the American Heritage Dictionary: Second College Edition


1. Having, expressing, or following political views or policies that favor civil liberties, democratic reforms, and the use of governmental power to promote social progress. 2. Having, expressing, or following views or policies that favor the freedom of individuals to act or express themselves in a manner of their own choosing. 3. Liberal. Of, designating, or belonging to a political party that advocates liberal social or political views, esp. in the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. 4. Of, relating to, or characteristic of representational forms of geovernment. 5. Tolerant of the ideas or behavior of others; broadminded.

I consider myself a staunch conservative. Let's see how liberal I am based on the definition above.

1. I am absolutely for civil liberties. I think the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are probably some of the greatest documents in history. I whole heartedly support all of what both say. The emphasis is on all.

For example, our first ammendment rights to freedom of speech and religion. Unlike the cenorship that is applied to this website, I don't believe that we should censor anyone. Everyone has a right to say what they want to say. I have a right to disagree with them or ignore them if I so choose.

Unlike liberals who want to regulate our speech and thoughts with such things as "hate crimes/speach" I believe in the first amendment that gives us the right to say whatever we want to say. Now, if certain people want to come across as ignorant or racist or just plain stupid, I say more power to them. People will know them for who/what they are. It is not necessary to shut down their ability to say what they want to say. In fact it's down right un-American.

I don't believe that we should regulate peoples speech because someone might get "offended". Be a big boy or girl and deal with it. It is not, nor should it be illegal for someone to get their feelings hurt. Which isn't to say that I advocate people hurting other feelings intentionally. I don't. But our right to free speech and expression is much more valuable than if someone got their poor little fragile feelings hurt.

I absolutely believe in the freedom of religion. It is not I who wants to regulate what religous symbol one wears in school. It is not I who wants to oppresse religion and the freedom to express and/or share it pretty much everywhere now days except in the privacy of ones own home or church.

It is also not I who talks about my "rights" to freedom of speech, but will shout down anyone who doesn't see/agree with my point of view. You see many conservative speakers at an Ivy league school? The answer would be No. And if you were actually lucky enough to catch a rare appearance, what do you think you would see? The very open minded, loves their rights and freedom of speech students and administration shouting down the conservative speaker because he doesn't not agree with or espouse their point of view. Got to love liberals and their open minded views and their "rights" that they cherish and defend so well!

As far as governmental power promoting social progress goes. I don't feel it is the govt.s job to get into the lives and business of the American people as a rule of them. I think there are exceptions when there are blatent abuses, such as blatent racism issues, blatent equality issues, and tampering with our voting system for example. There may be some others I missed, but you get the point. Outside of that, it isn't govt.s job to tell us squat! Not how to think, not how to act, not how to talk. It is not the govt.'s job to take care of us, feed us, wipe our butts, etc...

2. Again, see what I wrote above. If liberals literally believe what the definition says for number 2 above, then stop trying to regulate what we can say, how we express ourselves, and weather we are hurting others peoples feelings or not.

I'm going to skip 3 and 4 as I think I answered them pretty well above.

5. I am very tolerant and open minded of other peoples behavior. As I stated above, it is not I who is trying to shut down free speech and the freedom of religion. It is not I who is trying to regulate what people think and say in order to not hurt other peoples feelings.

I think/hope that I've made my point here. Liberals are the ones who always cry about their "rights", while not doing anything to defend them. They talk about their "rights" while they try take others peoples rights away from those people around them who do not agree with their point of view.

I absolutely have a right to keep and bear arms. The 2nd amendment tells all of us that. And yet who is trying to take that right away from me?

I absolutley have the right to free speech and say what I want to say. And yet who is trying to regulate that and take that away from me?

I absolutely have the right to freedom of religion. And yet who is trying to take that away from me?

Conservatives are not the hypcorites. Coservaties are not always crying about their rights, while simultaneously trying to shut down others rights because they do not believe the way conservatives do.

Conservatives do not say, "We support the troops" while simultaneously not actually supporting the troops. Prior to the War on Terror at every opportunity possible liberals gutted the military, and were opposed to weapons systems and programs. Ever wondered why all the U.S. aircraft carriers are named after Republican presidents? Do you honestly believe that you'll ever see anything short of a naval tug boat or possibly a naval supply ship named the U.S.S Carter or the U.S.S Clinton? There's a reason for that folks...

So, who's the true liberal here?

- 67GTO

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