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Message: Fatwollit


posted on Aug 01, 2008 08:05AM


You may have noticed that we are still in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban and still in pursuit of Al Quaeda's leaders. Many have been killed or captured. Osama bin ladin is more than likely in Pakistan. Our mistake was trusting that Pakistan would help us get Osama. Bush should have sent the military into Pakistan to find him. We may have special forces operating within Pakistan now. I would like nothing more then to hear he died a slow agonizing death. Something that he deserves for the death he has caused around the world.

One thing is for sure is that we rid the world of a ruthless leader in Iraq and he will never develop nuclear weapons to threaten other countries in the region. Also we are fighting Al Quaeda in Iraq now. I would rather do it there than here.

The United States has been the one country that contiues to stand up to the dictators and the communists in the world. This effort has cost us Trillions of dollars and many thousands of American lives. I wonder what the world would be like without the USA. If we took the who cares attitude of the rest of the world. You would think Europe of all places would be supportive after we put down the Nazis. Most that remember are probably gone now so the youger generation must I'm afraid learn the same lesson the hard way. I would like to see a bill passed that requires a protection tax for all these countries out there that rely on the US military to keep them safe from dictators and communist led countries. The rest of the world should share in the expense of policing the world dont you think.


Probably the worst natural disaster to hit the United States. Much of the blame must fall on the mayor of Louisiana and State government in Louisiana as well for their lack of preparedness for such a disaster. Also the people that did not leave when they were supposed to caused problems for rescue. I do agree that Brown was a poor choice.

Liberal Media

It's a fact that 90% of the media is liberal therefore their reporting is biased towards their views. Our Universities and schools are also mostly liberal and they slant their teaching toward the left. Why dosn't the media ask Obama the hard questions now. He seems to be the media darling that can do no wrong.


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