posted on
Aug 02, 2008 08:01AM
I didn't say drilling off shore is the answer. I think it is something we need to do as well as build more refineries in this country. I'm not buying into the lie that there is a shortage of oil in the world as I don't believe that a Chinaman making $50 a week can afford to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas. I do feel we need to find more oil in places we know that it exists ie offshore, in Alaska and extract oil from rock here in the west. At the same time we need to pursue alternative forms of energy and technology that will greatly reduce our dependency on oil in the future. In the alternative fuels and efficiency area it would be nice to have a government assisted program much like the race to put a man on the moon to achieve some goals utilizing the best minds in the country via universities, NASA or any private sector that can come up with solutions perhaps dangle a multi million dollar prize to anyone that can come up with viable solutions. This multimillion dollar prize should be from a special tax placed on the oil revenues. Anything over a billion dollars in profit per year for the oil companies would be taxed at a very high rate so that these monies could be used to drive the energy program.
I like the idea of a windfall tax for large corporations and the very wealthy that make huge profits to relieve some of the tax burden for the average American. It's time these big corporations take on more of the tax load.
Tax breaks should only be given to companies that invest in the USA not companies that move operations off shore. I know some of this is in line with what Obama talks about.
I think Americans are fed up with a government that dosn't work for them. I think it's been broken for a long time. One thing for certain is that there will be a change in President as Bush will be gone and it will be McCain or Obama. I dont buy that McCain is Bush as I think McCain knows some change is needed. I dont buy that Obama is the breathe of fresh air you think he is with his liberal record.