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Message: Re - Political debates

Re - Political debates

posted on Sep 02, 2008 02:10PM

A response to the Agoracom posting. Let me preface this by saying that it is Agoracoms site, so they can make they're own rules. But I would like to differentiate between their rules and legal rules, common sense, and manners.

Agoracom posted:

Free speech is a basic human right but so is civility and understanding. By expressing an opinion in a libelous or offensive manner is an infringment of free speech.

Free speech is not a basic human right. If that were the case everyone in the world would have the right to speak freely, without repercussions. As we all know, that's not true. Free speech is a First Amendment right in the U.S.. Civility and understanding are not basic human rights; they fall into the category of good manners. Libelous speech is not an infringment of free speach. Anyone can say whatever they want. If it is libelous, one may suffer repercussions. (That's called being responsible for ones self and ones action; in this case ones speech). But that doesn't mean they can't say it to begin with. To say something is offensive, is bad manners at most. It is not illegal; nor does it infringe on free speach. At worse, if you were to offend someone you might be thought of as ignorant and/or rude. That's it.

Agoracom posted:

With that said please bear in mind that the opinions regarding the upcoming Presidential election in the US will bring a clash of opinion which is all very welcome as through healthy debate come great conclusions. However you are kindly advised to respect another’s opinion as there are more than one ways to approach any topic and as long that it adheres to AGORACOM’s standards that is fine.

In reference to the above paragraph, respect is something that one extends to another as a courtesy when one does not initially know the other person well. Beyond this initial courtesy, respect is something that one either earns or loses. I respect the right of someone to have and state their opinion. It is not necessarily right or realistic that I have to respect anothers opinion. It is definetly not a given. All opinions are not equal, nor are they due respect by default. (See the earlier sentence about earning respect.)

That being said, I get the jist of Agoracoms message; "play nice with each other". I will endevor to do so.

- 67GTO

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