Are you better off now than you were four years ago, or even 8 years ago?
If your are then you should vote for the incumbent party.
How simple is that?
A no-brainer.
If you aren't (better off) then you're idiots to vote for McCain. Get my drift?
As USUAL, you're wrong! lol
I'm much better of today than I was eight years ago. And eight years ago, I was much better off than I was the eight years prior to that! So really, it makes no sense for me to vote for the incumbent party based on my personal success or failure as neither the Democrat administration of Clinton, nor the Republican administration of Bush had or has very little to do with my personal acheivements economically. That comes from my hard work and experience, my good sense, the investment my parents and I made in my education, the relationships I've developed with people along the way, and pure luck.
That's the point. The GOVERNMENT has had, and should have little to do with each of our successes other than to get out of our way so that we can have them. Obviously government has a role, but based on your stated paradigm above, they should be the SOURCE of our success when in reality WE as individuals and collectively as a nation and society are the source, and government is simply a sort of referee to make sure we're all playing within the rules and on the same court.
So I'll vote for the guy/gal that I think will be the best at staying out of our way and that comes closest IMO of having the likely abiltiy to execute on an agenda that provides government the way it was drawn up originally, not the way our current lawmakers, executives, and judges have perverted it. Thanks...heH!