My view is that the political arena is filled with people who have placed their party before country. Pelosi is a prime example of a politician putting party before country. First, she denied the congress a chance for a simple vote on whether or not to consider new drilling in the outer continential shelf. This occured smack dab in the middle of the gasoline price surge to $4.00. Next, she allowed the congress to go home during the middle of the banking crisis.
We need people in office that will step across party lines and provide unity. The choice is simple. John McCain and Sarah Palin will provide the kind of leadership that will reach across party lines to move the country forward. It's not about who's smarter, younger, prettier, has more experience, looks more presidential, speaks better, male, female, black or white. It's about love of country and a president who will put the country above their party no matter how unpopular it may be. I do not feel Obama and Biden will do this. Obama will never go against his party, no matter the cost.