It started about three years ago on the T.V and the radio.....the term "Stop Judging". I thought it odd as I had not heard that statement much in fifty some years then all of a sudden it was everywhere.
Traffic stop signs in my area had "judging" stenciled under the word stop. I couldn't for the life of me figure out where this was coming from, now I know.
The socialist/liberal running for president has so much baggage in his past with terrorists, crooks and biggots that the plan was to numb the public by stating "Stop Judging", get it out there. It must have been pre-determined that these issues would arise. Sure enough, the wild eyed screaming liberals pay no attention to this fellows history.
They are voting for him come hell or high water. It truly is amazing to watch them respond to facts. They get mad and call names at the person asking the questions and start making the person a racist, all they did was ask a question.
Much like kripton is to superman, the truth is to the liberal.
Please excuse any mispells as I not educated