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Message: Hello??? News Flash Ease

Hello??? News Flash Ease

posted on Oct 15, 2008 08:50PM

Palin is the only person that has actually ran anything. Her record has been to take on corruption, cut wasteful spending, is building a natural gas pipeline to help on energy needs here, she has put more money in the pockets of each citizen in her state and her state has a surplus. Her record suggests that she is more than capable than any of the four to run this country. Yes she lacks foreign policy experience but she can appoint someone with the knowledge to help her in this arena and she seems to be an intelligent quick learner. She seems to be a woman of high moral standards and comes across as a regular person like us.

Obama seems like an intelligent guy. He has very little foreign policy experience and has never ran anything except his campaign. Although his campaign has been successful he has out spent any other candidate in history to achieve his goal. To me he comes accross as a big spender. His record suggests that he is not a reformer as he has embraced the Chicago political machine and has never wavered from the democratic party line. He also has a record of being very liberal asking for $1,000,000 for every day he's been in the senate for ear mark projects. He has no record of reform or improving anything in the state he represents. Yes he's a slick politician and would have made a great used car salesman or door to door salesman or lawyer. He's not very truthful he has assoiated himself with radical individuals. Which brings into question his charecter. His vice presidential candidate joe Biden is also an advisor on foreign policy for Obama. Biden on several key foreign policy issues has been wrong in the past. When Obama says he's going to do somthing I don't trust him. I'm not sure he will allow drilling for oil here at home, I'm not sure if he will build nuclear powerplants, I'm not sure he will pursue clean coal technology.

McCain is a man that has served his country all his life. He has battled corruption and taken on his own party and George Bush on handling of the war. He has a record of being a reformer and able to work accross party lines. When He says he's going to do somthing I believe him because he is a man of charecter that puts his country first ahead of party. He seems to have a grasp on the issues that this country faces on energy, foreign policy, wasteful spending, smaller government, and lowering of taxes for everyone.

The problem with the last eight years is that George Bush let spending get out of hand and has grown government 40 %. I think we all would agree that he was liberal in his spending not conservative. So I have to ask what does the country need at this time. More liberal spending and even larger government from a candidate with a record of being a big spender who will raise taxes on businesses and drive out jobs. Someone who has proposed a governmet health care system or do we want an experienced leader who has a record of cutting spending and sys he will shrink government. A man that has a record of disagreeing with his own party and had the vision to call for more troops for the surge and for reform of Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac two years ago only to be put down by democrats. This is a tough individual who has endured the worst that man can do to one another and he has a proven record of leading on issues. He's the most qualified man to run this country and is just the person this country needs to lead us out of a tough time. He will slash government and veto bills with wasteful spending, He will keep taxes low on businesses to keep jobs in this country. He will drill for oil in our country and off shore. He will build nuclear powerplants and pursue clean coal technology. He will wean us off foreign oil and will accomplish lower fuel prices which drive costs amd jobs in our country.


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