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Message: Re - It isn't that black and white

Re - It isn't that black and white

posted on Oct 16, 2008 08:31AM

Ease, I think you and most people are dealing with this illegal alian situation assbackwards. We as a country are going about it all wrong. We don't need to spend billions on a wall between our country and Mexico. And we don't need to nationalize all of these illegals that are here undermining our economy.

I wrote a bill for my Political Science class last year exactly addressing this issue. It's a very simple bill that addresses this issue. It doesn't cost billions. In fact, it basically doesn't cost us anything. And when it is fully implemented and is successfull, it will in fact be a net gain for our economy as a whole. And I'm talking our country will be ahead by billions. Here is the bill:

Bill: The Americans National and Economic Securities Act

Section 2

1. Whereas our existing laws recognizing and protecting our national borders are not being enforced both internally and externally; a new approach needs to be devised and implemented.

Section 3

1. In the best interests of the Citizens, the economy, and the security of the U.S., the following new laws are proposed.

a. In addition to the existing immigration laws already in place, any alien caught on U.S. territory illegally will be barred from working in the U.S.; barred from student visa’s or access to our schools of higher learning; barred from any legal status to stay in the U.S., and finally barred from applying for any legal status, (excluding asylum), including U.S. citizenship for one full year.

b. Upon capture the second time illegally upon U.S. territory, the same consequences in Section 3, line item 1 would apply for no less than 5 years.

c. Upon the third capture of an alien here illegally, the said illegal would be barred for life from ever having access to the U.S. in any form legally.

d. This law would not pertain to illegal’s who were working to attain legalization before this bill.

2. In order to keep out criminal elements, the following laws are proposed.

a. Any foreign national applying to work in the U.S., go to school in the U.S., applying to remain in the U.S., or applying for citizenship legally in the U.S. shall be barred from entering or having any legal status within the U.S. if they have one of the following:

a. 3 misdemeanors or more.

b. 1 felony or more

3. In order to further remove incentive for foreign nationals to enter the U.S. illegally, the following laws are proposed.

a. Any company caught hiring and having illegal aliens working for them shall have their business license suspended for five business days upon the first offense.

b. Upon a company’s second offense, said companies business license will be suspended for 15 business days.

c. Upon the third offense, a company’s business license shall be suspended for 30 business days and its owner/President/CEO shall be brought up on criminal charges.

It's a very simlpe modified carrot and stick approach. It takes away the carrot by removing the draw for illegals to come to this country in the first place, (Our jobs and the potential for becoming citizens here). And it carries a very big stick by making the illegals and the companies that higher them responsible for themselves.

Can you imagine being a company and having your business license being suspended over increasing periods of time every time you were caught with having illegals working for you? And ultimately the CEO/Owner of the company being held personally responsible? Can you imagine say a GM, or a General Mills, or any number of other companies being shut down for a week or a month because they were caught having illegals work for them? What do you think would happen? They would police themselves of course, on their own dime, and not the tax payers. They would clean house instantly. There would be a traffic jam of illegals heading South.

The same with the illegals themselves. If they knew that every time they got caught they decreased their chances of ever having any opportunity what so ever to work here, become citizens here, put their kids in school here... After three strikes, they would be out, forever, permanento, finished! Again, they would police themselves. We could actually take down existing border fences. We would have to, in order to not impede the exodus of illegals heading South.

It's a win-win. The companies clean themselves up. There is no more draw for illegals to come North of the border. And the illegals themselves will not risk their chances of ever having an opporuntiy to have a legal future here. Problem solved. Billions of dollars saved. It's a no brainer.

- 67GTO

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