Here's a couple of new 4 out of 5 poll results that I haven't seen published on the board yet:
4 out of 5 pollsters polled agree that these polls are pretty wacked! How else to you explain that the same poll by the same polling organization using the same polling methodology, can vary so much day to day and week to week. Either the concept of it is wacked or the people polled are wacked, as they can't seem to make up their mind and are easily swayed day to day, and week to week.. We're lead to believe that 2,000 representative people polled will fortell, to an accuracy level of 2 to 3 percent no less, what over 120,000,000 people will do. Heck, it can't even tell us what will happen from week to week among 2000 people. If anything, the polls serve to sway peoples votes as some will want to be on the winners side, while others will simply want to buck the trend. Everybody best just go out and do what's good and right with America and go vote your concience and forget these made for media and entertainment interest polls.
Everybody except fatwollit that is, of course! lol. You're only allowed to provide polling data on which hospital and US doctors you and your family found to be the best when coming here for important medical issues!
Secondly, it is true, there has been some very big polling data that came out today. This is BIG news! The fifth dentist caved and they are ALL recommending Trident now!
Fatwollit - 3rd paragraph is all in fun now, but you left me no choice but to provide you with a witty retort to your completely irrelevant world poll.