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Message: I hope this guy is wrong. We shall see. Please pray for him and all the leaders

Re: I hope this guy is wrong. We shall see. Please pray for him and all the leaders

posted on Mar 05, 2009 10:25AM

You think to small Borredo. This isn't about which candidate won or lost; it's about our country. And Oboma is in the process of destroying it every single day with his policies and ideology. Many of us warned you that he was a socialist/marxist. You took glee in his winnning because you hate Bush so much.

Do you realize that the cost of his spendulus package cost more than the entire Vietname war?! He blew that much money in seconds by the signature of that bill. His first 20 months in office are projected to cost this country more than Bush spent in his entire time in office. He's in the process of nationilizing banks. He want's to create a socialist health care system. With his cap and spend policy concerning energy production, he will drive up costs for everything we consume in this country. And he's doing this wacked massive social engineering experiment at a time when the country is strapped while in a recession. His policies will only drive our economy deeper and deeper into recession. In the years to come we will have huge inflation!

He says that he will bring "change"; "No more Washington insiders." I'm not sure if you've been paying attention to who ALL of his nominees are. And it seems many of them have SERIOUS tax issues. If it were you or me with those issues, we'd be in prison probably. "No more lobbyist he says." Look at the people he puts in key positions. "He's not for big government." Are you kidding me?! The list goes on and on. And he does all of this in the name of the "economic crisis". He claimed that there was no earmarks on H.R. 1. I guess that's technically true if you take into account that the bill itself was the BIGGEST PORK BARREL BILLL IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY!

I heard all the time from the Left about the neo-Cons, and how extreme, dumb, and dangerous they were. Well Borredo, it's a new day. Get ready for the new lingo; it's called Neo-Marxist. And that's exactly who Oboma and all his minions are.

Talk all you want about your hatred of Bush and who won. Mark my words, many of us warned you before he was elected, now watch reality unfold before you. It isn't about words anymore; watch the deeds. Six months, a year or more from now, I want to hear you crowing about your boy Oboma. I believe that you and many others will be singing a comletely different tune...

- 67GTO

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