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Message: FREE NRA one year Membership

Actually, that posting was not one I had previously had bookmarked. I was thinking of another article that I had read about a Canadian University putting the kabash on any un-PC type talk on campus. They actually had people in official capacities that acted like monitors and that were there to catch you in your clearly wrong thinking and un-PC like talk and correct you. I couldn't find that article again; but I did find the one that I posted. I didn't even notice the age of the artcle. And does it really matter? You live in a society that is not about free speach, but about "correct" speach as defined by one particular ideology.

Where I live I can say whatever the hell I want. I can think whatever I want. As a rule of thumb I have no intent to go around hurting peoples feelings and "offending" them. But if I happen to do so, intentionally or not, it's not illegal here to speak your mind freely, on any subject; short of yelling fire in a theatre, or bomb on a plane.

In this country, they are diligently working on controlling what I can think and say. It's not going to happen. Besides the 2nd amendment which gives us the right to keep and bear arms, we have the 1st amendment, which gives us the right to freedom of speach and religion. Why is the left so against peoples rights? These rights are really good things for everyone. The founding fathers were very wise men.

In your response to my message you wrote the following:

Perhaps, if the NRA actually concentrated on weapons safety and appropriateness of ownership, especially with regard to automatic weapons, rather than trying to justify an ethos which, while it made good sense in revolutionary times, doesn't make much sense now, it might achieve more success.

I think maybe you've learned this much, that the NRA is hugely into firearms safety and apprpriateness of ownership. Also, automatic weapons have been illegal in this country since I think back to the 30's. Automatic weapons are effectively a non-issue here. The only ones who have them in this country are the military and some police agencies. You can illegally convert some firearms into automatic weapons. But that is a huge no no of which the NRA in its diligent pursuit of enforcing existing gun laws is very much against. And I guarantee you that the law would come down on someone really hard if they were caught with an automatic weapon; especially if they were caught with it in the use of a crime.

Did you actually believe that people in this country have automactic weapons? I'm talking outside of the extremely rare instances where criminal elements or possibly some gang members may have gotten a hold of one somehow.

- 67GTO

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